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Transform Your Approach to Conservation
Welcome (12:03)
Notes before you get started (1:38)
Conscious Conservation E-book Download
Conscious Conservation Workbook
Join our Facebook Group for Conscious Conservation
Introduction to the Course (29:19)
Module II: A Shift in Perspective
Module II Intro (3:46)
Unconscious versus Conscious Conservation (24:33)
Shifting our Perspective of a Conservationist (18:40)
Shifting our Perspective of Humans (24:30)
Shifting our Perspective of Conservation (79:05)
Module III: Shifting our Mindset
Module III Intro (2:23)
A Mentality of Abundance (29:49)
Less Ego, More Eco (60:23)
The Compassionate Warrior (33:31)
Compassionate Conservation (49:23)
Module IV: Shifting our Approach
Module IV Intro (2:00)
Solving Human-Based Problems (50:01)
Inspirational Conservation (41:41)
The Deep Dive (51:36)
Intuitive Conservation (42:37)
The Way Forward (36:27)
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